Thanks for the mention, Heath Houston! I think you wrote a pretty accurate explanation of the ballad and I’m pretty excited that there is some interest in this form. It seems like on Medium there will be trends for different forms. For example, one week I will see a ton of villanelles, the next week it’s haiku, then the next it’s acrostic, etc. I think that is due to the contagious nature of writing in form. When you see someone else break the ice by posting a poem written in form you think, “Well, I could try that, too!” Anyway, I hope the ballad gets to have its day, as well.
Like you had mentioned, the rhythm, rhyme, and meter are all very important to making a ballad a true ballad, but you are right in saying that the form is loosely defined. That is because it is really the subject matter that makes the ballad what it is. Unlike something like a villanelle which could be about anything as long as you follow the rules, the ballad is limiting when it comes to what topics should be chosen.
Historically, the ballad is the click-bait of poetry. It was meant to be listened to (now read) by anyone and everyone. It was meant to be compelling, entertaining, and irresistible to the masses. Because of this, balladeers wrote them in such a way that people would listen to them and to stay engaged. That catchy meter, rhythm, and rhyme seems like a natural choice. A ballad can sure get stuck in your head when done right! Because ballads would be so public, they are typically written on subjects like current events, wild true stories, and even politics — things everyone can be interested in.
Many people that claim they don’t like/get poetry and don’t read it will still fondly remember a poem called “Casey at the Bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer, even if they haven’t read it since 5th grade. “Casey at the Bat” has got everything a ballad needs — a catchy sound, drama, a story most can relate to, suspense, and accessible colloquial language. And, that people can read it once or twice yet remember it for their entire lives, well I would say that qualifies it as a great ballad!
Ballads that don’t have traditional rhyme schemes, meter, and rhythm can be effective as well, however, as long as all of the other elements are present. An example of this is “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks.
I could probably go on, but my nerd is showing so I’ll stop for now. Thanks again for mentioning Poetry in Form and for helping me keep poetic form alive in the poetry conversation here on Medium. I do appreciate that more than you know! :)
My primary source of information on poetic form is The Making of a Poem by Mark Strand and Eavan Boland.